3D Stealth
I got to work for the college that a went to for about three months and I worked on a few different projects. This is one of those projects.
The Challenges
Player movement speed and enemy movement speed was an issue. The hard part was trying to find a balance between the two. If the enemy is chasing the player I want the player to be able to get away from the player, but how fast should the player be able to move to get away from the enemy.
One of the challenges was figuring out how to get the enemies to have a field of view because I had never had to create that before. It was something that I had to learn how to do. This put me out of my comfort zone which is a good thing. It helped me expand my knowledge and give me valuable experience.
The patrolling enemies needed to be individualized because if one of them got to a patrol point or an alert position then it would act like all of the enemies got to the positions and once one was done at the position then all of them would be done at the positions. This was clearly not the case so it had to be adjusted so that an individual enemy would test if they were at a position.
The patrolling enemies would push into each other trying to get to one position and then they would be locked into a pushing battle. I had to change priority levels of each individual patrolling enemy to fix this problem.
Another challenge was getting the two different enemy types to communicate with each other without breaking functionality. The sentry scanning enemy would alert the patrolling enemies to a position but once the sentry was done being alert then all of the enemies would be done being alert even if the patrolling enemies did not make it to the alert position they were called to. After sometime making adjustments to how the patrolling enemies transitions from patrolling to alert then the issue was solved.